The Hidden Mystery:

Journal of a World Gone Mad

Excerpts from the book
Will Vaccines Be the End of Us?

By John Massaro

Reprinted starting on November 1, 2022

Table of Contents

Virus Panic

Part One

HAD SOMEONE with extraordinary prophetic powers predicted, at the end of 2019, what would happen in 2020, and what the world situation would be like today, I would’ve written him off as a colorful lunatic or an aspiring horror story novelist. Even I, fully aware of the evil inherent in most of these vaccine pushers, never imagined that they would implement a program so nakedly aggressive and murderous as what has recently taken place and continues to take place far and wide — and as clearly as anywhere, right here in America. It never occurred to me that it would come to this. But really, why should I be shocked? This is the logical culmination of the vaccine dogma, the end of the road after 225 years of vaccine lies. This is it. It’s all aboard for Jonestown, last stop the Kool-Aid dispenser, the point of a needle filled with a concoction its leading pushers know will sicken, sterilize or kill millions or billions of people. It has already wreaked an incredible amount of havoc on humanity — in a mere seven months, as I write, possibly more than any other vaccine ever developed, though technically it’s not a vaccine at all but a totally reckless gene-manipulating experiment.

Before getting into the global contractions that began in early 2020, I’d like to look back at a few things I wrote. There was one factual error in the chapter on autism. I had written that the exceptionally dangerous whole-cell pertussis vaccine came into widespread use in the early 1940s, and that the child psychologist Leo Kanner had first observed and written about the typical traits of autistic behavior around this time. That is incorrect. While Kanner did indeed write the first paper on autism in 1943, in which he coined that word, the pertussis vaccine came on the scene in 1914 — though the original vaccine seems to have been used hardly at all, and it underwent further development, with the first mass guinea pig experiments (called “clinical trials” by the vaccine cultists) beginning in 1934 — and it was in 1938 that Kanner first noticed young children behaving abnormally. As far as cause and effect goes, however, this still makes perfect sense. Other than that, I’m not aware of any mistaken assertions, and there’s certainly nothing substantial I would change, though I’ve been enlightened about a few things. I always knew that the Democrats were the party of the Left, but until 2020, I didn’t realize how far gone so many governors and big city mayors are. On average, I’ve learned, they’re much worse than Republican politicians, the great majority of whom are despicable in their own right. To me these Democrats are communists, by which I mean they’re indistinguishable from the squalid office holders who ran things in the former communist dictatorships in eastern Europe. I also was unaware of their partners in crime, the many radical prosecutors and attorneys general, mostly Black, who came out of the woodwork following the nationwide race riots instigated by the news media, and whose appointments were said to be funded by George Soros, which I have no reason to doubt. I was too generous in my appraisal of Vladimir Putin and a few others. Donald Trump is gone, having betrayed his deluded supporters, whose numbers have happily dwindled. I do believe the election was stolen from him, but why should any patriot care? Does it really matter that Biden is headed for a cliff driving at 100 mph, whereas Trump was only doing 70 mph? Trump’s one enduring legacy will be the absolute disaster of Operation Warp Speed, which unsurprisingly earned him the idiotic praise of conservatives near and far, though by now some are having second thoughts.

Since March 2020, so much has happened and continues to happen on a daily basis, and I have read so much and watched so many videos on the Internet, that it’s impossible to present more than the tiniest fraction of it while keeping this afterword to a reasonable length. Some aspects of the Covid event can only be surmised, but most of it is clear. It’s not that complicated. The lessons of history are the primary guide, to which I’ve applied my intuition and everything I’ve learned in life. The priceless Internet continues to be practically the only source of truth, but as always, one must aim to distinguish the certain or nearly certain, the probable, the plausible, the unlikely, and the ludicrous. One thing is clear to me: we are in the midst of a global Bolshevik revolution.

The one foundational truth we should never lose sight of is this: From the beginning, everything about Covid-19 has been a fake news event. There was absolutely no evidence that SARSCoV2 was anything more than a boogeyman virus like SARS-CoV-1 (2003), H1N1 (2009), West Nile (2012), and Zika (2016).

In other words, had the news media never reported a word about it, no one would’ve noticed anything out of the ordinary, no one would’ve noticed anything unusual in the incidence of respiratory disease compared to 2019 or any previous year.

Let that sink in. But even in February, before the first reported U.S. Covid death on the last day of that month, I detected a building fear campaign on WCBS, the news radio program I listen to for ten minutes each morning — my only exposure to the mainstream fake news, other than a quick glance at the headlines on one or two Web sites run by the major television networks. After March 13, the day Trump declared a national emergency, WCBS went into overdrive. On some days I turned the radio on again, later in the day and at night, and listened for a full hour. Even in Russia under Stalin during the Second World War, I can’t imagine such wild, nonstop lies calculated to generate such intense fear and panic. In addition to skyrocketing numbers of deaths and infections, obviously pulled out of a hat, it was as if the announcers had been instructed on how to pause and inflect to achieve the maximum emotional impact on listeners. This frenzied, round-the-clock “news” reporting was all a sane man could take. And the flip side of all the “fear porn” to which the media’s favorite experts contributed was the usual Soviet censorship of thousands of brave, dissenting doctors and other independent researchers worldwide, who from the beginning saw this scam for what it was. Here is the stifled voice of just one, which I came across in November 2020, a Dr. Roger Hodkinson of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons in Canada:

There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. This is the biggest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. This is nothing more than a bad flu season. It’s politics playing medicine, and that’s a very dangerous game…. There is no action needed. Masks are utterly useless. There is no evidence whatsoever that they are even effective. It is utterly ridiculous seeing these unfortunate, uneducated people walking around like lemmings obeying without any evidence. Social distancing is also useless…. Positive testing results do NOT indicate clinical infection. It is simply driving public hysteria and ALL testing should STOP immediately…. Using the [Alberta] province’s own statistics the risk of death under 65 is 1 in 300,000. The scale of the response is utterly ridiculous…. all kinds of business closures, suicides…. you’re being led down the garden path.

To expand on this, let’s review some salient facts. One is that a fake pandemic, or plandemic, as others have aptly called it, has been in the works for a long time. The most exhaustive timeline on this, going back to the late twentieth century, is found on the invaluable website I’ll mention four recent milestones. On January 10, 2017, ten days before Trump took office, Anthony Fauci — no introduction needed — gave a lecture on infectious diseases and pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University, in which he said, “There will be a surprise outbreak” confronting the incoming administration. That gives the game away right there. On April 26, 2018, twenty months before anyone heard of Covid, the European Commission, an executive body, first proposed vaccine passports for crossing borders in a document entitled “Strengthened Cooperation Against Vaccine Preventable Diseases.” This occasion was the first time the phrase “vaccine hesitancy” was heard. On September 12, 2019, a “Global Vaccination Summit” was held in Brussels, Belgium, again by the European Commission, in conjunction with WHO, attended by big shots from many countries. Three round table discussions were held, entitled “In Vaccines we Trust,” “The Magic of Science,” and “Vaccines Protecting Everyone, Everywhere.” On October 18, 2019, “Event 201” took place at the Pierre Hotel in New York City. This was a “tabletop exercise,” a simulation of a global pandemic and the conspirators’ response to it, on which the Covid pandemic, which kicked into high gear five months later, was closely modeled.

Mask Hysteria

Part Two

THE FIRST REPORTS OF a novel corona virus, SARSCoV2, came out of Wuhan, China in late December 2019. I don’t know what happened, or didn’t happen, in Wuhan, though it appears certain that the slimy Fauci, who has flip-flopped at least fifteen times in his recommendations, and whom even Trump had the brains to call “an idiot and a disaster,” was involved in research at the virology lab there going back to 2014. I suspect that secretive biowarfare research took place at this lab, as has long taken place in our own facilities, especially at Fort Detrick, Maryland. I also believe there may be a connection between possible radiation sickness in that city and cities in other countries where 5G wireless communications had recently been rolled out. Nevertheless, this obsession with China, this business of solely blaming China for the origin of Covid, is a huge and mendacious distraction from the brutal lockdowns in 2020, and the vaccination juggernaut in 2021.

If SARS-CoV-2 really exists, and whether or not it’s natural or manmade, it’s quite harmless to nearly everyone except the aged and those with co-morbidities, who are more vulnerable to any kind of viral infection. Jon Rappoport, who moderates the hard-hitting blog, maintains that the Covid-19 virus does not exist, that is, no scientist in the world has ever isolated and identified it as a distinct virus in the corona family. Inquiries on this subject sent to the top health departments in several Western countries were ignored or answered evasively. Rappoport has also said that the PCR test, used to detect infection, is utterly useless and rigged to spit out false positives like a fire hose. This man is an independent investigator who has been delving into government-medical-pharmaceutical chicanery and analyzing so-called pandemics for more than thirty years. He is unsurpassed at stripping away dense scientific jargon, reducing it to simple terms, and exposing “experts” like Fauci as bullshit artists. The late Kary Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, was another man who despised Fauci as a know-nothing career bureaucrat. Mullis never intended the PCR test to be a diagnostic tool, which is exactly what it became.

So, through 2020, tens of millions of asymptomatic Americans drove to designated Covid testing sites or stood in lines outside walk-in clinics, waiting for a bogus and painful nasal swab test for a likely nonexistent virus to be administered by strangers in bizarre protective attire, which added to the drama. Nothing like this has ever happened before. It was given impetus by an apocalyptic warning, issued by Neil Ferguson, a technocrat based at Imperial College in London (which is not a traditional college but rather a hotbed of social activism, connected with the UN, WHO, and global policy makers), that the world was on the verge of the worst epidemic since the 1918 Spanish Flu. Ferguson’s track record was an absolute joke. Using computer models, which is all this geek knows how to do, he had also made scary predictions about swine flu in 2009, dengue fever in 2015, and Zika virus in 2016 that never materialized. That he was taken seriously in 2020 by so many heads of state and other movers and shakers does not reflect well on their IQs.

It was Ferguson who, on March 16th, released a doomsday report predicting massive Covid death tolls in the U.K. and the U.S., and after seeing what the Chinese and then the Italian governments were capable of pulling off, called for draconian lockdown measures. He’s the one responsible for all the school and business closures, social distancing, face masks, isolation, quarantining and contact tracing crusades. In May he was caught having an extramarital affair, setting a pattern of stinking hypocrisy for all the petty tyrant politicians around America who were seen countless times with family and friends at social gatherings, ignoring their own harsh edicts.

Right through 2020 I didn’t know anyone who claimed to be sick with Covid, and most people I spoke to didn’t know anyone who knew anyone who supposedly had it. I don’t even remember hearing anyone cough in 2020! Oh, there were a few who told me that they knew people who died of Covid, or knew doctors or nurses who worked in hospitals that were overwhelmed by Covid patients. I don’t doubt that they knew people who died, and it’s tactless to press them for details when they tell you that. But fraud, a specialty at the CDC, was in the air, reflected in the huge drop in mortality statistics for flu and pneumonia. Deaths from many different causes, respiratory and otherwise, were being recorded as Covid deaths.

Hospitals had financial incentives to do this, and it was a great way to inflate numbers and ratchet up public fear. Some brave doctors, like Scott Jensen in Minnesota, and Annie Bukacek in Montana, who often fill out death certificates, went public with these shenanigans. In recorded phone conversations made by James O’Keefe, who runs, four funeral directors in the New York metro area, who routinely view these documents, said they were seeing Covid listed as the cause of death all the time, even though they and the families they were serving knew damn well that the deceased had not died of Covid.

As for hospitals inundated with Covid patients, I’m sure they were swamped in some cases, but like everyone else, doctors and nurses fall for the power of suggestion and the pressures of conformity, and with the media blaring its fear porn 24 hours a day, I’m sure they were convinced that anyone with respiratory symptoms was infected with Covid. This was in April 2020, the peak of hysteria, when the global epicenter of Covid had moved from China to Italy and Spain to New York City, with the Queens enclave of Elmhurst “the epicenter of the epicenter.”

I lived 32 miles from Elmhurst. A cousin who lived on eastern Long Island, 50 miles out, called me to see if I was okay. I wasn’t sure if he was serious. He was. A traveling companion from way back when emailed me from Australia with the same concern. Since I like to confirm things with my own eyes, on April 11th I took a ride to Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip, seven miles east. The visitor’s parking lot was only twenty per cent. full, there was no activity at the emergency room entrance, and there wasn’t a soul in the spacious waiting room. Five days later I drove in the other direction to the Nassau County Medical Center in East Meadow, about 20 miles from Elmhurst. Here too, nothing was happening at the ER entrance and the parking lot was mostly empty, but as I pulled into the driveway, I saw a security guard and a large, ominous sign ahead that read “All Visitation Suspended.” I got the impression that I was most unwelcome here, so I made a U-turn and left. Unlike Good Sam, the NCMC is a public hospital, which means if you’re poor you can come here and get treated for free.

My take on what happened at Elmhurst Hospital, and at other public hospitals in New York and in big cities around the country, is as follows. With the constant media fear mongering, I think a great number of black and Mestizo deadbeats, unhealthy to begin with and not the brightest people, who experienced any respiratory symptoms at all, even a simple cough or cold, panicked and went to the hospital. Whether these patients were lured into hospitals by design, or an opportunity arose after they were admitted, they were deliberately killed off on orders from above — by over-sedation, improper use of ventilators, or gross neglect. This was done because these people are a drain on Medicaid, which is close to going broke. That’s my theory.

Two out-of-state nurses, Nicole Sirotek and Erin Olszewski, who went to New York hospitals separately on a mission of mercy, were aghast at what they saw. They made videos, emotional in places, still up on the ’Net, and both point-blank called it murder. All these victims conveniently became Covid death statistics. Medicare funds, which provide for old folks who have lived productive lives, also are drying up, so they have to be bumped off too. I refer you to M.S. King’s The Morphine Genocide: How the Fed-Med Mafia Kills Our Elderly with Palliative Care, published in 2017. Like the rest of Mike King’s mostly excellent books, it was axed by the censors at Amazon. When it was still sold there, three or four reviewers attested that their own mother, father, or other relative was murdered in the hospital. This policy of empowering medical “death panels” snuck in under Obama’s Affordable Care Act. King cites some articles in the American mainstream press that hint at the crimes, but the best one is from England, where the National Health Service is up against the same financial crunch — one of those rare nuggets that appear in the controlled press, in this case the London Daily Mail. The article, headed “Top doctor’s chilling claim: The NHS kills off 130,000 elderly patients every year” appeared in the June 19, 2012 edition, and can be read online.

This takes us to the tragic nursing home deaths that occurred in several states, some 12,000 in New York alone, under Governor Andrew Cuomo. Cuomo is such an odious creature and is so widely detested here, it’s amazing he’s still in office. He’s one of many Democratic politicians who, with his brutal lockdown decrees, took pleasure in inflicting psychological pain on ordinary people, just to flex his muscles. For the past three or four months, the media masters have been playing a cat and mouse game with him for reasons only they know, turning up the heat, then turning it down, then up and down again. Will they force him to resign or will they let his crimes slide?

What so many forget is that back in April 2020, when his executive orders were being carried out and he was preening his chest hairs at his daily press conferences, the media were puffing him up as a superstar, as a take-charge leader making the tough decisions needed to hold the deadly Corona virus at bay. Maybe he should even think about running for president, they hinted. And the boobs lapped it up. After all, didn’t TV and the papers claim that his approval rating had soared to 85%? If 85% agree on something, it has to be right, right?

Well, there were more than 200,000 New Yorkers who had parents in nursing homes, and they weren’t too impressed with their governor, whose policies were as cruel as they were illogical. There’s no need to go into the details here, which are widely known and undisputed. The only remaining question is whether, acting out of malice or from hidden pressure exerted from above, he deliberately killed all those old people. I think the evidence points in that direction. In a sane society, he, along with his state health commissioner Howard Zucker, would be tried in a court of law for premeditated mass murder, and if found guilty, executed.

There’s no doubt in my mind that all this business is being orchestrated by sinister, unseen personalities, and that maggoty politicians like Cuomo, along with heads of state around the world, are doing what’s expected of them. Those who don’t toe the line are taking big risks. Tanzania’s president John Magufuli, suspicious of PCR test kits sent to his country by WHO — as well he might have been, considering the past exploitation and killing of African children in vaccine experiments — tested a variety of inanimate and living subjects. In April 2020 he announced his findings to the world: A goat, a papaya, and motor oil tested positive for Covid, prompting laughter from many quarters. Magufuli told WHO to pack up and get out of Tanzania. In January 2021 he warned his countrymen to stay away from the Covid vaccine. Two months later he was dead, supposedly of a heart attack. Pierre Nkurunziza, the president of neighboring Burundi, also opposed lockdowns, was a vaccine skeptic, and expelled WHO officials from his country. He succumbed to a heart attack as well. He was 55, Magufuli 61. Were these men murdered? I’d bet on it.

Klaus Schwab

Part Three

ON AN IMPULSE, I recently skimmed through A.K. Chesterton’s The New Unhappy Lords, which I read many years ago, and which I quoted from earlier. I’ve read several fine books on the conspiracy, or better said conspiracies, among the rich and powerful, especially since World War Two, to rule the planet — to impose globalism, international communism, one world tyranny, a new world order, whatever you want to call it. To my mind, Chesterton’s book is the best of them, because he is eminently logical and doesn’t duck the taboo issues of Jewish subversion and racial mongrelization, especially in his native England, where even in the early 1960s, when he was writing, non-White immigration was well underway, as was the humiliation and destruction of the White man in Africa, as some British colonies buckled under to lunatic Black rulers, while others dug in against the betrayal of worthless politicians in London — a precursor of our current Black Lives Matter movement.

The role of international finance, the behind-the-scenes pressure applied to spineless world leaders, the perfidy of the United Nations, the hidden hand directing global affairs — nothing has changed. In Chapter 24, he lists the mostly obscure names and positions of nearly a hundred men from North America and Europe established in government, media, academia, banking, foundations, big business and the military who had met in secret more than once, in lavish surroundings, with strict security precautions, to discuss — what? As Chesterton makes clear, only a fool would deny that there’s a conspiracy at work here.

The faces have changed in the last sixty years, of course, but they are the same unfeeling, mechanical creatures conspiring to rule over a global plantation, to control the lives of a raceless, spiritless, degraded humanity. They have morphed into what today appears to be the foremost organization of power addicts, an elitist club known as the World Economic Forum (WEF). The only differences today are the ascendance of technocracy, the push to vaccinate, and the fact that the conspiracy is out in the open, right in your face if you care to open your eyes.

In late 2020 I read two books co-authored by Klaus Schwab, a half-Jewish German national and the founder and executive chairman of the WEF, which was formed in 1971. These books are Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, published in 2018, and Covid-19: The Great Reset which came out in July 2020. These books have to be read to be believed. I had occasionally come across the ideas he expounds, but they seemed so far out that I didn’t take them seriously and never looked into them. That was a mistake. He is for real with his “trans-human” agenda of merging man with machine, literally creating a new being who will be “a fusion of our physical, digital and biological identity.” The technology of injecting sensors into the body, which monitor vital signs and convey them to cell towers, is already here and marketed on Recently I came across an interview Schwab did on Swiss television on January 10, 2016 in which he discussed planting microchips in our brains. Naturally, he’s big on vaccines, and has said, “People who refuse to be vaccinated are a health threat to everyone else.”

Like Bill Gates, a close colleague, he comes across as a reincarnation of Pol Pot. He envisions a world of total surveillance where everything is electronically connected with everything else, thoughts can be read by police, and get this, human organs can be printed by 3D technology (Shaping the Future, page 145). His two greatest mentors are the death merchants Henry Kissinger (who in addition to his war crimes in southeast Asia, pressured the government of Rhodesia to take the primrose path to black Marxist rule, with the inevitable dispossession and killings of White farmers after the country became Zimbabwe), and Nelson Mandela, about whom I’ve written enough.

It would seem that, as part of his dystopian plan to phase in a new version of man, the White race needs to be phased out. In fact, Schwab claims he was deeply affected by the death of George Floyd, and the WEF website,, has much boilerplate discussion about ending racism — only White racism, that is.

* * *

The media-instigated anarchy and race riots, which tore through nearly all major cities and many large towns in America, was, of course, the other major event of 2020. Whether George Floyd died of a fentanyl-induced heart attack or of suffocation from the knee of a rogue white cop, is irrelevant.

Floyd was just another Black bum in a country whose cities are overflowing with Black bums, a drug addict and a career criminal, who once did five years in a Texas prison for sticking a gun in a woman’s stomach during a home invasion, which in itself justified an appointment with Old Sparky.

What is relevant is that the Jewish cabal that decides what is “news” used this incident to ignite the American racial powder keg, and touch off more racial explosions around the world. Once again, the awesome, unrestrained power of the media was on full display. This, of course, was just one in a long series of media attacks against White police officers working in the hopelessly crime-ridden big cities who have to deal with Black animals all the time.

Black Lives Matter Propaganda

A racial explosion has been brewing for decades, and we’ve seen it happen before, but as someone who lived through the summer of 1967, I can attest that, even though the scale of mayhem and destruction in 2020 was about the same, back in ’67 there was no toppling and defacing of statues, no invasions of White suburbs by menacing Black mobs (some of which took place very close to my home), no “cancel culture,” and no shaming or persecution of any Whites who deviated one inch from the party line of “systemic racism” and “White supremacy,” which are as fictitious as the Covid pandemic. And this time the raw hatred and contempt for the White race was thrown like acid in our faces, including implicit and even explicit calls for murder in both the news media and social media.

On October 3rd, 400 members of the “No F__king Around Coalition,” a Black paramilitary group, marched heavily-armed through Lafayette, Louisiana, a city of 120,000 with a White majority. A similar march took place in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on the hundredth anniversary, on June 1, 2021, attended by Biden, of what the media ludicrously described as a senseless White-on-Black racial massacre, which ended with the tribal chief whipping up the crowd with the usual megaphone rhetoric and exhorting them to “kill everything White in sight.”

I thought of the Hitler quote in which he describes how the Jew gradually erodes all the foundations of a civilized society until he feels confident enough to drop the pretense of social justice and begin the butchery. Crushing lockdowns that temporarily or permanently ruined so many lives, combined with a determined attack on orderly White society, employing Antifa and Black Lives Matter anthropoids as shock troops — what we had here was a classic Bolshevik revolution, calling to mind George Lincoln Rockwell’s novel definition of communism as “the organized mutiny, led by the Jews, of the biologically inferior people of the world against those who have created civilization.”

Any doubt about the Jewish role should have been dispelled by a brazen full-page ad that appeared in the New York Times on August 28th, 2020, sponsored by more than 600 Jewish organizations, from the mighty Anti-Defamation League down to the local activist synagogue. The eye was drawn to “We speak with one voice when we say, unequivocally” — then below that, in gigantic block letters — BLACK LIVES MATTER.

And it soon became clear that this latest planned racial uprising was tied in with the Covid hoax, as in New York, where Black throngs were exempted from the face mask and social distancing requirements that were being zealously enforced by that city’s politicized cops. Around the country, thousands of violent Black felons were released from prison, ostensibly to prevent Covid from spreading in those facilities. And the connection was also evident in the corporate world, especially professional sports teams, many Jewish-owned, so proud to proclaim “Black Lives Matter” on billboards and stadium signs, while requiring all non-playing personnel to participate in the senseless obedience ritual of wearing face masks. For not wearing masks on the sidelines, several NFL coaches were fined $100,000, their teams $250,000.

Bill Gates

Part Four

AS ONE WOULD EXPECT, the thrust behind the increasingly fierce injection campaign in the U.S. is heavily though not entirely Jewish. If it weren’t for Bill Gates, a gentile, we would not be in the extreme situation we’re in today. Over the past twenty years, no man or woman comes close to his leadership in worldwide vaccination efforts, always with a philanthropic spin. Gates is like an alien from another planet, possessed of a mentality that I cannot fathom.

He apparently sees himself as ringmaster of the solar system. He is crazy and dangerous. He has other projects too, like having most of us in advanced nations eating synthetic beef by 2030, and sending a fleet of specially equipped aircraft into outer space to spray particles that would dim the sun’s rays in order to cool the stratosphere, his remedy for global warming. That one is on hold for now as he sorts out life after divorce, while still buying up and owning more American farmland than anyone else. Behind his facade of caring for Third World children, he sees vaccines as one way to depopulate the world. (Other rich and powerful men, Warren Buffet, Henry Kissinger, and the late David Rockefeller among them, have also favored depopulation, Kissinger having hinted at enforced starvation.) These were Gates’s exact words during a 2010 “TED talk” to a private audience, widely circulated on the Internet: “The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”

More than once he has publicly stated his ambition to deliver Covid vaccines to everyone on the planet. He has been implicated in many criminal vaccine schemes, especially in African countries and in India where he has been accused of maiming 496,000 children and adults in a polio eradication campaign from 2000 to 2017. I’ve come across no facts that refute this charge. People around the world can see into his dark soul. I’ve read at least a hundred comments on the Internet calling for his death. I’ve never heard him express any remorse for the great harm he has caused. In his mind, perhaps, he has never harmed anyone. It happens that Nelson Mandela was one of his heroes, and he even had the honor of meeting the world’s most beloved terrorist.

Aside from being a shrewd and unprincipled businessman, Bill Gates is a nobody — an unappealing nerd of no creative talent, no moral sense, no character. Had he not been born into wealth and privilege, which gave him a huge advantage in life, he might have ended up with some dull technocrat job making $25 an hour. Several people have tried to determine what makes him tick; a thorough analysis, including a two-hour documentary titled “Who is Bill Gates?,” worth watching, can be found on

Psychopaths have always been part of the human condition, so Gates is far from unique in that category. What makes him unique is his wealth. I, for one, don’t know what it means to have $130 billion in the bank, or in the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but with that kind of money you can obviously be a big spender and walk through almost any door. You can purchase a pet weasel named Anthony Fauci and have him follow you around and eat out of your hand. You can meet with a bonehead president in the White House, convince him that vaccines are great, and get him all excited about Operation Warp Speed. You can throw hundreds of millions here, hundreds of millions there at academicians to win their support. You can hire the very best public relations firm to make you look like something you’re not. You can pal around with pedophile and fellow billionaire Jeffrey Epstein and fly on his private jet. You can fund Imperial College to keep it afloat, and get another computer worm, Neil Ferguson, to ruin people’s lives. You can become chummy with airhead celebrities and appear on TV news and entertainment programs. You can buy favors with the media masters, who are naturally drawn to your genocidal plans. You can pump endless streams of cash and wrap your tentacles around all kinds of global agencies, organizations and corporations that push for total population control through vaccination and digital tracking devices. You can bribe government and health officials everywhere to carry out vaccination campaigns guaranteed to kill and maim. And you can plan all these things while swanning around in a $2 million a week rented yacht or hanging out in one of your five mansions. The one thing you can’t do is buy off the Truth, which is that you’re a worthless little turd whose name will become an ugly, permanent stain when the history of this age is written.

A Masked World

Part Five

AS I MENTIONED, the wheels of a global vaccination conspiracy had been turning for years before the jabs actually began — on December 14, 2020, here in the U.S. I must admit that, despite my extensive research, I was unaware of this. Conspiracies by their nature are hatched in secrecy. It was in April 2020 that Trump announced Operation Warp Speed with his usual oily pitch of great things to come. The shots were eight months away, but the wheeling and dealing behind closed doors, with billions of dollars up for grabs, which always accompanies major vaccination campaigns, had begun, with Pfizer and Moderna winning the big prize, and their lawyers hammering out a clause removing any liability for the vaccine deaths and injuries they knew were inevitable.

As 2020 wore on, I had an uneasy feeling about what was coming. There were few tangible hints, but what there was, was ominous. In May, the utterly repulsive Alan Dershowitz said “If you refuse to be vaccinated, the state has the power to literally take you to a doctor’s office and plunge a needle into your arm.” I came across a 2017 clip of Tal Zaks, the chief medical officer of Moderna and an Israeli, discussing exciting new mRNA technologies and how the next class of vaccines would “hack the software of life.” Those words sent chills down my spine.

He had a little diagram of how it would work. Playing God, taking Nature into his own hands. Absolute madness. But naturally Moderna was playing it safe, insulated against any lawsuits, and as I later learned, after winning the government contract, Zaks dumped his company stock in structured sell-offs. Technically it was not illegal, but it was the epitome of sleaze, and made him very wealthy. Word is that he plans to leave Moderna in September 2021 for greener pastures.

On October 23, 2020, seven weeks before the injection campaign hit stride in England, the British government posted this notice on “The MHRA [Medicines and Health Care Products Regulatory Agency] urgently seeks an Artificial Intelligence (AI) software tool to process the expected high volume of Covid-19 vaccine Adverse Drug Reactions (ADRs) and ensure that no details from the ADR’s reaction text are missed.” Here was proof that the top politicians in London knew in advance how dangerous this vaccine was, but approved its use in a mass vaccination offensive anyway.

I wrote earlier about the over-representation of Jews in the vaccine field, both at the pharmaceutical companies and public health agencies, which in practice are one and the same. I could have mentioned more Jews in the top slots at the CDC. The new director under Biden is Rochelle Walensky, member in good standing of Temple Emanuel in Newton, Massachusetts, conveniently just a few miles from Moderna headquarters in Cambridge, who on April 8, 2021 declared racism “a serious public health threat.” This is the mentality of the people who rule over us. Perhaps the CDC will soon be pushing an anti-racism vaccine.

But when I looked into the advisory committee dredged up from the CDC and FDA, which met to discuss emergency authorization of the Covid-19 vaccines in late 2020 — which needless to say was already a done deal — I saw so many Jewish names and faces that I thought I might’ve stumbled on the Knesset website. Further investigation revealed the kind of conflicts of interest you always find with these people. But that’s just half the story. The CEO of Pfizer is a Greek Jew, Albert Bourla, and the chief scientific officer is Mikael Dolsten, a Jew born and raised in Sweden. The billionaire CEO of Moderna is Stephane Bancel, a French Jew. Wikipedia states, “Bancel has been described as having a secretive approach to Moderna, and as being a tough operator.” That’s an understatement. Moderna is an extremely shady start-up company and Bancel a horrible person whom many found impossible to work for. Like Zaks, he unloaded a ton of Moderna shares through 2020 at great personal profit. The chairman and CEO of Johnson & Johnson is Alex Gorsky, who also is Jewish.

Pfizer and J&J have rap sheets a foot long. It’s always the same with these pharmaceutical companies. They commit crime after crime, destroy millions of lives, get hit with big fines and pay out a billion here, three hundred million there — just the cost of doing business. Then they go on their merry way to commit more crimes. No one ever goes to prison, much less to the gallows. And these are the companies that have injected 180 million American sheep, caused tens of thousands of tragedies already, yet cannot be sued. And their tribal cousins in the media just keep covering up for them.

It’s time to realize that these are criminal syndicates every bit as brutal as the most infamous Mexican drug cartels. In fact, they’re more to be feared. No one is forced to use cocaine or heroin, but the vaccine manufacturers, with their huge stable of bought politicians who pass laws mandating their products, are a different story.

And only a fool would deny that they employ assassins to get rid of people they regard as a threat. Their latest victim was Brandy Vaughan, a Merck sales executive turned anti-vax activist, who ran the website She knew she was being targeted, told her friends about it, and was found dead by her nine-year-old son in her Santa Barbara, California home on December 7, 2020. Dead from natural causes, the coroner dutifully reported.

Predictably, some vicious and deranged Jews were unable to control themselves. In a Washington Post piece of April 22, 2021 headed “We Should Soon Stop Catering to the Vaccine Holdouts,” Jennifer Rubin advocated making life impossible for those who cannot present secure proof of vaccination. Rubin has written so many knucklehead columns over the years that even her colleagues have long wondered out loud why the Post doesn’t fire her.

Seventeen days later, another unhinged Jewess, the washed-up entertainer Bette Midler, threatened unvaccinated children with this tweeted gem: “If my kid can’t bring peanut butter to school then yours can’t bring the deathly plague. Vaccinate or I’m bringing the Jiffy.” How charming. She was referring to peanut allergies, a by-product of the flood of new childhood vaccines in the 1990s, which are potentially fatal, so this was a thinly disguised death wish, not to mention just another mindless rant: If vaccines protect against disease, then vaccinated children need not worry about any “deathly plague” brought by unvaccinated children.

Lastly, there’s our old friend Peter Hotez, who went bonkers in an April 27, 2021 article, “Covid Vaccines: Time to Confront Anti-Vax Aggression,” published in Nature, a print journal and online magazine that calls itself scientific. Hotez wants to see anti-vaccine groups dismantled, and wrote darkly of terrorism, nuclear armament, far-right extremist groups, and Russian-sponsored misinformation, while plugging the London-based Center for Countering Digital Hate, as well as a Virginia-based rumor-tracking analytics company. He wants to empower WHO, the UN, cyber security, law enforcement, public education, and strengthen international relations. He is one very sick puppy who recently got himself into a heap of trouble for making outrageous allegations against Sharyl Attkisson, the former CBS correspondent who often writes articles mildly critical of the vaccine establishment on her website. At this writing, Hotez has a defamation lawsuit hanging over his head.

I don’t want to oversimplify. The Jewish role in this whole Covid-19 saga, as in most of their destructive activities, is not black and white. There’s some gray. There are plenty of Gentile Cromwell types involved in this. Another gray area is Israel itself, where the government imposed lockdown rules that were harsher than in most Western nations, then followed up with an aggressive vaccination campaign. Some have suggested that the Israeli population was injected with saline solution, and the Jew duped the dumb goyim yet again. I don’t believe that. I’ve seen enough evidence on Israeli websites to convince me that Israelis have had their share of casualties, in addition to the fact that Jews, like Whites, are divided among themselves in getting or not getting the shot. Furthermore Netanyahu (now out of office), may have received a backhander from Pfizer and, gangster that he is, may not care if his own people are harmed. Alternatively, maybe he wanted to make everybody forget about all his crimes and make himself look like a strong leader in a futile attempt to get re-elected. I don’t know. Maybe also, he, or whoever makes the top public health decisions there, genuinely believes that mass vaccination is a good thing.

I believe this to be true of other world leaders, like those of Russia and Iran, who have foolishly bought into the vaccine dogma and the whole Covid scamdemic and, while wisely shunning the poisons used here and in Europe, are using vaccines like the Sputnik V which, from what I’ve read, employs the same dangerous biotechnology.

But let’s not avoid the million dollar question. We have this nexus of Jews who sit at the top of the CDC, the FDA, the vaccine manufacturing firms, the television networks and social media, not to mention those swarming around the vegetable Biden. In fact, the real acting president is Jewish chief of staff Ron Klain, who daily tells his mumbling boss what to say and do. Only a blind man could fail to see that there’s tribal solidarity at work here, even if there are some personality conflicts. Every one of them is on board with the plandemic and the vaccination campaign. It goes without saying that they all have criminal minds. All of them are engaged in a cover-up of an immense tragedy which has been going on for seven months now. Why don’t any of them raise their voices about it? Why isn’t Biden’s Coronavirus Response Coordinator, the Jew Jeffrey Zients, addressing the situation? What are their motives for not stopping it? The polio and swine flu vaccination campaigns of 1955 and 1976 were halted in much less time with only a minute fraction of the casualties, when it became clear that the vaccines were backfiring. Why in 2021 is it full speed ahead, fueled now by a fresh round of scaremongering nonsense about the Delta variant?

I answered these questions the best I could in the long chapter titled “The Jewish Factor,” so I’ll try to answer them in one sentence here: A sizable number of Jews are genetically driven to destroy civilization and murder people on a huge scale, even though it may ultimately lead to human extinction, including their own.

Michael Yeadon

Part Six

I ALWAYS LIKE AN insider’s view of things. Thankfully, there are a few honorable people who work, or have worked, in the top public health agencies and in the big pharmaceutical firms. Michael Yeadon, former chief of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, is the most outspoken. He has been sounding the alarm for several months now, as in this statement:

It’s become absolutely clear to me, even when I talk to intelligent people, friends, acquaintances…. and they can tell I’m telling them something important, but they get to the point where I say, “Your government is lying to you in a way that could lead to your death and that of your children,” and they can’t begin to engage with it. And I think maybe ten per cent. of them understood what I said, and ninety per cent. of those blank their understanding of it because it’s too difficult. And my concern is, we’re gonna lose this because people will not deal with the possibility that anyone is so evil…. I’ve talked to lots of people, and some of them have said, “I don’t want to believe that you’re right, so I’m just gonna put it away because if it’s true I can’t handle it.”

Yeadon strongly suspects that this global vaccination push is a conspiracy to depopulate the planet. So do I — among some of the conspirators anyway. But they could not do their infernal work without the support of a vast army of pimps and toadies in government, journalism, NGOs, scientific research institutions, large corporations and academia.

We are in the midst of an unprecedented event.

As with the lockdown measures that became increasingly harsh and ludicrous as 2020 wore on, once the vaccination steamroller started up and went forward, it never stopped. The goalposts kept moving, again and again, until the steamroller knocked them down and rolled right over them.

It’s still rolling. Last month I read that they’re now after children as young as two, and they’re even talking about booster shots. Judging by the VAERS index of adverse event reports, which probably represents at most ten per cent. of such events, this is the most dangerous substance ever put into a syringe, aside from lethal injections given to condemned prisoners.

From January 1st to June 26th, VAERS compiled 376,300 reports. A quick scrolling on shows that nearly all of them are from the Pfizer or Moderna Covid shot. According to (a superb site if you can overlook the quotes from scripture), during this time frame, plus the latter half of December, 6113 deaths, 5172 permanent disabilities, 6435 life threatening events, and 51,588 emergency room visits were reported to VAERS. There have been more reports filed with VAERS in the first six months of 2021 than in all the years from 2012 to 2020 combined. I might add that I’ve mentioned VAERS to at least twenty people over the years, and no one had heard of it. Since you can examine the data for yourself, I won’t bother reproducing any of it, as I did for previous years earlier in this book.

Were I to reproduce the first half of 2021, it would add 80,064 pages to the book you’re holding. And we continue to be told this is a safe shot. In fact, according to the CDC’s own website,, as posted on May 27th, VAERS (which the CDC and FDA jointly supervise) had received 4863 reports of Covid-19 vaccine deaths up to May 24th. Yet at the top of this same page, under “What You Need to Know,” the first bullet point statement was “Covid-19 vaccines are safe and effective,” with the words “safe and effective” in boldface! The madness of this whole thing is beyond description.

The situation in Europe is no better. There’s a system there, similar to VAERS, called EudroVigilance, which keeps track of Covid-19 vaccine deaths and injuries, and breaks them down into 27 categories (cardiac, gastrointestinal, respiratory, etc.). Tabulations are regularly updated on The casualties reported in Europe exceed ours, and there are many more besides, because several European countries do not participate in the system.

It’s impossible for me to go into detail on all this harm, and I don’t want to get bogged down in biological processes and terminology that I don’t understand, but it’s well worth passing on some information that I’ve come across. From what I gather, these experimental injections permanently change the DNA, which means that it can’t be undone in future offspring — if it doesn’t destroy the fertility of recipients to begin with. It seems that these people are now the equivalent of genetically modified corn. I’ve read that 82% of women who were injected during the first or second trimester of pregnancy have had miscarriages. In an interview conducted with Jeff Rense, who runs the excellent aggregate Web site, the aforementioned Dr. Hodkinson issued a grave warning about the unknown future effects of these shots.

He was particularly concerned with myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, which unlike the liver and kidneys cannot repair itself. What this means in plain English is that millions of young Americans who got this injection may die of heart attacks in their thirties or forties, though no one knows yet what the future holds.

Other dissident doctors have come right out and said there’s going to be massive death and suffering within two or three years as a result of “cytokine storms,” meaning, as I understand it, the immune system going haywire in fighting common transient illnesses, or in the continuing replication of spike proteins, that have a notably harmful effect on the circulatory system. I’ve read numerous accounts of shedding, which we know happened with the Salk polio vaccine, and likely with others as well. Vaccinated people can infect others through physical contact or exhalation.

Vaccinated women have reported serious disruptions of their menstrual cycles, or unusually heavy blood flow, or passing blood clots. I’ve even read of post-menopausal women having periods again.

And from simply being around vaccinated women, unvaccinated women have experienced the same symptoms. There are also many cases of metal objects sticking to the skin of vaccine recipients, usually at the injection site, which means that an electromagnetic or magnetic agent was stealthily put in at least some of these vials. I’ve seen about ten videos of this, along with one of a man in India with an LED bulb which lit up as he held it near his shoulder, then went off when he moved it away. Is all of this an elaborate collaborative hoax? I doubt it. There’s so much more information out there, but at this point I’ll refer the reader to the Web sites I’ve mentioned.

The majority of Americans, including a high percentage of the 180 million who were foolish enough to be injected, are oblivious to everything I’ve written in this afterword, and in the whole book for that matter. My best guess, and I’m being conservative here, is that in the seven months since its inception, about 50,000 Americans have been killed by this shot, and about 4 million have had serious reactions, many of a permanent, life-altering nature. But that’s not even two per cent. of the total population — not yet, anyway. So those who don’t know anyone in this small, hypothetical minority will go on living in their alternate reality. Although many have become increasingly distrustful of the mainstream media, they still cling to it.

In my social circle, about seventy per cent. got injected, including some who are quite intelligent. That really amazed me. It just amazes me that intelligent, responsible people would not suspect that all along there’s been something fishy about this whole Covid business, would get this shot without any hesitation and without investigating it first. Early this year I emailed my brother and sister long lists of testimonies, taken from the Internet, of ordinary people detailing the worrisome symptoms they’ve been experiencing, some beginning within minutes of inoculation. They went out and got their shots anyway. So many people really are sheep, lemmings, zombies, who mindlessly go with the flow, who automatically bow to the stronger opinion, who actually believe that the CDC and the media would inform us if these shots carry serious risks that are far from being “extremely rare,” that pet phrase so beloved of the vaccine pushers. After all, haven’t they been conditioned for years, like good little Pavlov dogs, to yap every time they hear the word “anti-vaxxer,” and wag their tails when they’re told how wonderful vaccines are? I’ve noticed also how happy some people are to let others know they’ve gotten their shots, to show the world they’re with it, what these days is called “virtue signaling.” One would think that the flaming idiocy of the relentless campaign to vaccinate America — as seen, for example, by enticing people with free beer, hamburgers, donuts, marijuana, lottery tickets, Uber rides and the like — was reason enough to opt out. But no. And there are still many, no doubt vaccinated, who buy into the Delta variant scaremongering. Just yesterday, seven weeks after the “Mask Required for Entry” signs came down all across New York, I observed that almost half the shoppers in my local supermarket were still wearing them.

Still, it’s encouraging that 150 million Americans have not been injected, that the adults among them are instinctively wary, if not downright hostile, to any message force-fed them by the media and government. And cracks in the façade are spreading among the vaccinated as well, even as the social media giants are hard at work scrubbing messages that are at odds with the proclamations of WHO and the CDC. Just recently I discovered a new website, c19vaxreactions, the brainchild of Ken Ruettgers, former NFL veteran, an offensive lineman for the Green Bay Packers. His wife has been suffering every day for five months with an array of symptoms, beginning the day after she got her first Moderna shot. The many heartbreaking personal stories on this site are powerful stuff that will get around, and I’m sure there are many other grassroots efforts like this. The home page reads: “We are a large and ever-growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the Covid vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J & J, as well as Astra-Zeneca in the clinical stage in the United States.)” But here’s the next sentence: “We are pro-vaccine, pro-science, and were excited for the opportunity to be vaccinated and to do our part in helping to end the pandemic.” And while Wisconsin Republican senator Ron Johnson deserves credit for appearing on a public platform with Ruettgers, he starts off by going into contortions over how everyone assembled is pro-vaccine, he’s gotten every flu shot since Swine Flu (sic!), he’s a huge supporter of Operation Warp Speed, he’s happy to report that 300 million doses have been given, the vaccine has saved countless lives, and it has contributed to the end of the pandemic.

It’s hard for me to picture a more disgusting performance.

Can this battle be won when well-intentioned public figures, out of fear or ignorance, distort the truth like this? I suppose we should be grateful that the truth is getting out in drips and drabs.

I’ve made my aversion to Fox News known in this book, and I’m no fan of Tucker Carlson, who manages to slip in a pro-vaccine lie or two each time he expounds on the subject, but sometimes he makes a critical point. On his May 5th program he announced the VAERS Covid-19 injection death count, which on that date was 3362. To my knowledge, no one else on television has reported news like this.

Unless I missed something, so far, in seven months, a grand total of two deaths has been reported on WCBS news radio. If there are other conservatives enlightening the public, well, that’s good. But the only hard-hitting, uncompromising source of truth remains the Internet. I don’t know a single red state governor who has spoken disapprovingly about the injection effort. This includes Florida’s Ron DeSantis and South Dakota’s Kristi Noem, both of whom stood their ground against the lockdown militants and banned vaccine passports, but think the Covid-19 vaccines themselves are just fine, and claim to have gotten theirs. It’s as if the label “anti-vaxxer” is a scarlet letter. Can you imagine a security guard whose job it is to apprehend shoplifters insist that he’s not “anti-klepto”?

I’ve read hundreds of posts of family members of injection victims, or the victims themselves, who feel obligated to write, “I’m not anti-vax, but….” I was dumbstruck when I heard even Dr. Hodkinson deny the charge. To the contrary, he thinks vaccines in general have done much good; it’s just that this one is a killer. What is it with him, and other fine people like him? I tried to answer that in the chapter on dogma, but I still find it perplexing that they have to bow low like this. One thing that all these otherwise sensible people have in common is that they never, ever single out any vaccine and explain in detail why they think it’s so good.

My reply to the accusation of anti-vaxxer is this: “You’re damn right I’m an anti-vaxxer! Who in his right mind wouldn’t be?”

The Coming Apocalypse

Part Seven

LIKE MANY OTHER AMERICANS, and Europeans too I’m sure, I’ve fantasized about cleansing this planet of all the human bacteria that have proliferated far too long. While writing this book, I often daydreamed about writing another, my own version of The Turner Diaries, that legendary underground novel of total race war, which saw Tel Aviv and New York City disappear under a mushroom cloud. I’d take a more humane approach. I wouldn’t nuke Israel, I’d simply cut off all aid and watch it sink like a stone. I’d have my protagonist, an Air Force fighter pilot of genius and audacity like George Lincoln Rockwell, stage a mutiny, having won over a dozen fellow pilots with his charismatic leadership. I’d have him serve notice on all news media bases in New York, and the dozen or so vaccine production plants in the country, that they were in imminent danger of attack, just as the German government placed newspaper ads in 1915 warning prospective passengers not to sail on the Lusitania, which was secretly carrying munitions and thus a fair target for German U-boat torpedoes, which did in fact sink it on May 7th of that year with great loss of life. This will allow any innocents to quit their jobs and stay away from these buildings; they’ve been warned and now it’s their decision. New York City is the global news media nerve center. It’s from here, primarily, that disinformation and deviant ideas, like this whole Covid-19 clown show, flow into homes across America, and stream out to the world’s most distant outposts. And, as I believe the evidence shows, at its core this is an attempted worldwide Bolshevik revolution, the latest eruption of the Jewish genocidal mentality openly proclaimed in the Old Testament.

In the book I’ve daydreamed about, in advance of twelve Apache helicopters, armed to capacity, taking off from McGuire AFB near Trenton, 300 commandos will storm the New York Times building, and the television studios of ABC, CBS, CNN and NBC. All executives, news producers, columnists and script writers will be arrested and marched down to the Javits convention center on 11th Avenue. Within days they will be joined by thousands more journalists, politicians, pharmaceutical firm and health department officials at all levels, rounded up by local militia units from around the country. Now the choppers come swooping in over Manhattan. Within minutes, a salvo of air-to-surface Hellfire missiles reduces the five above-mentioned media septic tanks to piles of smoking rubble. The aircraft split up and head out to vaccine factories in Baltimore and Rockville in Maryland, Andover and Norwood in Massachusetts, and Marietta, West Point and Swiftwater in Pennsylvania, leveling these structures with their remaining payload, before returning to base to refuel, rearm and head off to a few midwestern states to finish the job of demolishing all remaining vaccine manufacturing facilities, after again refueling at Wright AFB in Dayton. Soon, with the media government gone, the one in Washington implodes, and puppet governments in Europe topple one by one.

Within days, “reality” begins to change for the world’s normies. The convention center will become a makeshift courthouse and all the prisoners will be given a fair trial. Those found to have misled the public about any aspect of Covid-19, or of vaccines in general, which I would guess to be eighty percent of them, will, in line with the Alexis Carrel proposal quoted on page 11 of this book, be immediately executed by firing squad on the banks of the Hudson River. Of course a great deal more would need to be done, but this is a crude, preliminary sketch of the book I’d love to write but probably won’t.

Crazy, you say? Well, we all have our fantasies.

And logistically, it may well be impossible to pull off. I don’t know; I’m not a military man. But really, are not the events of the last sixteen months the true measure of insanity? Isn’t what I’ve just described a better alternative than watching the vaccine killing fields fill up while doing nothing? As the vaccination steamroller keeps forging ahead, I’m almost beginning to believe that some people involved in this scheme will have big smiles on their faces as they watch all humanity go extinct.

So if this condensed plot line plants a seed somewhere, great. Now back to the real world.

I cannot overemphasize the avalanche of events taking place without letup around the world, as people rebel against what has become medical martial law. London, Athens, Paris and smaller European cities have seen huge, raging protest marches in recent weeks. At the moment, life in France seems to be on the verge of becoming unbearable, as the most repressive Covid laws ever go into effect. Canada and Great Britain are also sliding backwards, as is Australia, where the police have often descended to sickening levels of brutality, and protests banned outright in some cities.

Four British Airways and five Air India pilots died in May and June, some of them undoubtedly from the injection. And now, a whistleblower from Jet Blue has just revealed that five pilots who flew for that airline — which like most, pressures or requires all their employees to submit to the shot -— died in recent months. I have seen the names and ages of all but one of these men, and photographs of most of them. When in the history of aviation has anything like this ever happened? Across the world, the focus has shifted from inhumane mask and social distancing laws to the specter of mandatory vaccination, even as sad reports of death and serious injuries, often accompanied by graphic photos and videos, pile up on social media faster than the censors at Facebook can delete them. I also cannot overemphasize the indispensability of alternative news Web sites in these times, nor the scale of mainstream news censorship, which is nearly absolute. Let no one criticize the government of North Korea for depriving its citizens of information.

Thousands of lawyers and doctors in America and Europe — there are that many good ones, I was happy to learn — have spoken out in the strongest language against the fake pandemic and the global Covid-19 vaccination campaign — the media pretending they don’t exist. One of them, a German lawyer named Reiner Fuellmich, who has years of experience suing large corporations, has initiated legal proceedings against WHO, the CDC, and what he calls the Davos group (meaning the World Economic Forum, which meets annually at a resort in Davos, Switzerland) for crimes against humanity. I wish him success, but I don’t see how he can prevail without military support.

This is war, and in war history shows that superior force, not superior morality, has the last say.

With the loosening of restrictions in late May and a seeming return to normalcy here in New York state, I hoped that things were finally winding down, that the System would be content with jabbing about 60% of the population after interest quickly dropped off. I was wrong. In mid-June, Andrew Cuomo announced plans to go door-to-door in towns where zip codes showed low injection rates, to coax residents into getting a shot. So far I haven’t seen it. Now, in July, Biden’s controllers are promoting the same activity. In the two videos I saw, residents had sharp words for the door knockers, who walked away. How far they will go with these intrusions remains to be seen.

Will it fizzle out or will it intensify? I wouldn’t be surprised if these canvassers were instructed to report the addresses of belligerent citizens for inclusion in an “extremist” or “anti-vaxxer” database, to be singled out for a special visit by FEMA goons for a forced injection, a trip to a detention camp, or worse. After seeing how events have unfolded since March 2020, I now realize that anything, absolutely anything, here and abroad, is possible if the ruling scum think they can get away with it.

I’ve written more than enough in this book about the historical lessons of government terror, here and in Europe. In America, at least, goons have to reckon with the possibility of community defense groups springing up and spraying them with gunfire.

I have a sobering question: What is going to happen to the 180 million people in this country alone who received this injection, and particularly to those of child-bearing age or younger? It goes without saying that there will be much weeping and gnashing of teeth — there has been already.

But really, how bad will it be in the years ahead?

Will it be the worst event in the history of our species? Or not nearly as bad as some are predicting?

My gut feeling is that it’s going to be very bad, much worse than any previous manmade disaster.

I do believe that hundreds of millions, if not billions, will suffer and die prematurely, or will not be able to have children, because of what a handful of twisted creatures are doing to us. But I just don’t know. And I don’t know how long it will take to assess the damage.

A few times I’ve run into a depressing quote from the pen of Edward Gibbon, the eighteenth-century English historian whose six-volume masterpiece, The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, is widely regarded as the greatest historical chronicle ever written. Casting his eye over 1500 years of society and civilization, Gibbon wrote: “History is indeed little more than the register of the crimes, follies and misfortunes of mankind.” I believe in evolution, and that using our brains constructively for two million years is what allowed us to advance from primates on the African savannah to where we are today, meaning above all the many splendid achievements of the European peoples. So why have we done so many stupid, barbaric things over the centuries, like burning people at the stake for heresy, and slaughtering millions of people in distant lands who were bothering no one? The events of the last eighteen months have shown, in so many ways, just how fundamentally primitive and irrational most human beings are, and how fragile civilization is. Why don’t we ever learn? Why, now, are we in the midst of what may well prove to be the greatest crime, folly and misfortune in the history of our species? Is there any hope for us?

I have to believe there is, despite the terrible trial we’re now going through on the never-ending upward path.