The Hidden Mystery:

Understanding National Socialism

It’s foundation, what it really stood for, opposed, and why

April 18, 2013

Adolf Hitler One People, One Nation, One Leader

National Socialism was a “Weltanschauung” or ‘world view’ which sought to combine and preserve the racial-ethnic-cultural-spiritual-linguistic solidarity amongst the German people as a unified nation — “the Volk” — which is intimately bound to it’s own soil. Hence ‘National’. But ‘Socialist’, as we shall see, was never to be confused with Marxist doctrine, but rather referred to the true, original, ancient German socialism. Furthermore, National Socialism was Christian in nature and to its core, based upon principles of ‘Positive Christianity’, with a focus on the family and upon community morals, values, ethics, and standards, through true essentially ‘brotherly love in action and deeds’, not just philosophy, and also not in the spirit of liberal ‘egalitarianism’ and ‘internationalism’ or Communist universalism. It was about recreating a Germany for Germans, which put them and their needs above all else, with Germans in control, and with each committed to this, for their own interests, and their collective benefit. Hence, the words of the German anthem, “Deutschland Ueber Alles”, was never about ‘expansionism’ into foreign territory, or an aggressive foreign policy, much less any desire to “take over the world”, but patriotic devotion to the land and the people — “Das Volk” — with a desire, if possible, to re-unite the German tribes in a new German Empire. But NOT, however, at the high price of war, which Hitler knew too well.

National Socialism was a ‘revolution’ which manifested itself in the wake of World War I and in response to the oppressive dictates of the Treaty of Versailles which had been imposed by the allies, resulting in loss of territory and population, and not long afterwards, an influx of oppressed and terrorized German refugees from the former German territories. It was also a response to the subsequent advent of the liberal-democratic, Marxist-Socialist inspired Weimar Republic, and all of the political, economic, social and cultural ills which befell Germany thereafter. International interference also led to deep internal political divisions, social chaos and disorder, cultural decay, the impoverishment of the masses to the benefit of the minority, as well as a general state of powerlessness domestically, in terms of being able to affect change and stability. But also a state of powerlessness internationally, with loss of sovereignty and total inability to assert and protect its sovereignty in a hostile European environment. The world wide anti-Germanism which had started in the late 19th century and was exacerbated by war time atrocity propaganda also still abounded in the world.

This revolution began as a political party and truly grass roots movement, initially with a very small membership of 7 men, but it grew rapidly over 13 years in a very hostile, violence-filled political environment, influenced by foreign interests, and dominated by Bolshevists, threatening to turn Germany into a Soviet style state. The internal chaos and class struggles left the German people in a desperate state, and it only benefited the international interests, who profited from their misery and powerlessness, while eliminating competition, and furthermore, making Germany ripe for Bolshevik takeover. Average Germans, however, for the most part, were very aware of the realities of the genocide that had taken place in the Soviet Union, and the resulting tyrannical police state, and they wanted no part if it. Trade unions and other organizations had long been instituted and were under the influence and control of the Bolsheviks and were not serving the interests of the workers or the nation as a whole.

Following over a decade of political struggle with a steady growth and a rise in its popularity, combined with distrust and dissatisfaction with the alternatives, which had failed to change anything, National Socialism was finally mandated and realized from 1933 to 1945, as a sovereign national party system within the context of a new (Third) German Empire. Following the democratic national elections in November 1932, the NSDAP finally achieved a majority, and thus in 1933, the Party Leader (Fuehrer) Adolf Hitler was lawfully and duly appointed Chancellor with a mandate from the people, based upon a well publicized comprehensive plan to rectify the political, economic and social problems, promising “Bread and Work”, seeking a ‘just’ revision of the Versailles Treaty, while maintaining peaceful relations with Germany’s neighbours.

Adolf Hitler instituted National Socialism as the “political doctrine of the national community”, that is the “Volksgemeinschaft”, and NOT for the sake of personal power, goals or ambitions, but rather to represent and do the will of the people. This meant true “democracy” and can essentially be understood as “government of the people, by the people and for the people” in the American vernacular. The needs of average Germans were put first, ensuring their survival as a nation: a unique and sovereign people with a right to self-determination; able to sustain and preserve itself, and to thrive, free of foreign domination, unjust international dictates, and free from threats to its existence, both foreign and domestic. Hitler was the Party Leader and the National Leader, hence: Der Fuehrer. But he did not set himself above the people, as a dictator, as the court historians and those with hidden agendas claim. He truly represented the people and their interests, and most importantly, he did not make promises which he could not deliver and was not a hypocritical ‘politician’.

Adolf Hitler had a concrete plan of action which was well publicized and he carried through with it. He was effective, and the fruits of his labours, and those of the NSDAP in organizing the masses to help themselves were soon born, resulting in an ever increasing popularity, in proportion to their increased prosperity and quality of life. Thus, he was loved by the masses, as is evidenced in video footage of so many public gatherings, but of course, not by those with other agendas and selfish interests. There was no need for other parties with alternate views, doctrines, philosophies, principles, etc. They were happy and well served. The German people were once again in control of their own destiny, both individually and as nation. What could be more democratic than that? And why would those who call themselves “democrats” have any objection?

Most of the small nationalist groups agreed to merge with the NSDAP after the victory of the NSDAP in 1933. The visible expression of absorption of the different groups in the great popular movement was the presentation of the flags of the various national associations and volunteer corps in November 1933.

(Note: the German word for National Socialism is “Nationalsozialismus” and it was abbreviated as NS and not “Nazi”)

Basic Principles

The basic ideas of National Socialism were pride in the common cultural history and heritage, a healthy shaping of individual personalities while engendering and nurturing a spirit of national altruism, as opposed to atomised liberal and libertarian ideas of “individualism” (which have their genesis in Freemasonry, and which the National Socialist government always opposed, and later banned).

Compare and Contrast:

National Socialism stood in stark contrast to Marxist-Socialism or Bolshevism, which is based upon ‘class warfare’ and the destruction of individualism and social classes, making all equally poor, and subject to a supreme state authority, resulting in the lowest common denominator, without natural inherent rights, and only privileges at best, with the promise of benefits that are usually not forthcoming, or which are unsustainable, and not conducive to creating incentive. Instead, the motivating factor is fear of the ‘state power’ and the ‘authority of the party’ and it’s leadership, combined with harsh punishment for those who do not “go along to get along”, often arbitrary, with little or no protection from the whims and mechanisms of the totalitarian police state. The net product is “acquiescence” and not enthusiasm. Marxist-Socialism also provides no natural incentive for the protection of resources and the environment, lending itself instead to expansionism, and this is no respecter of neighbouring states, nor other cultures. Furthermore, it is atheistic, without respect for the Creator, the individual, nor beliefs and values of any religious community.

National Socialism was about work and personal initiative, and taking responsibility, not only for oneself, merely for one’s own benefit, but also for the national community, as well as the environment (ie. the natural habitat and the society), and thereby, ensuring the survival, that is, the health and prosperity of the nation and the society as a whole entity, and not merely the ‘survival of the fittest’ and continuous prosperity of the already prosperous, solely to their own advantage. It required that people of all classes work together for their common and mutual benefit and interests. The role of the government was merely to facilitate this self-sustaining environment for all members of the nation in which all could live well and prosper, with demand and supply primarily focused on the domestic market, on national, regional and local needs, while producing and consuming what was necessary at home. This meant that the nation had lesser dependence upon the outside world for trade and commerce, was far more independent within the world, less subject to global markets, corporate and global interests, and without need or incentive to expand, nor to coerce and threaten other nations.

The Freemasonic liberal ideals, by contrast, engender a “nation of individuals” with each going his own way, with little or no concern for the needs of that national community as a whole; the organic unit from which the individual was first derived and was nurtured, with only a theoretical notion of a trickle down effect to others. And underlying this, the assumption that those who do well, do so rightfully, and will occasionally give a little something back, thereby, legitimizing the power structure of the plutocrats or oligarchs, and the degree of power and influence which they, the few, maintain over the many. That is generally thought of as “Free Enterprise” but it is really unbridled Judeo-free-market-capitalism, and thrives in a system of stock market speculation, back-room deals and manipulation, and especially so where the monetary system (creation and control of currency) is in private hands, combined with debt and interest or “usury”, creating a monopoly, such as with the U.S. Federal Reserve. The National Socialists in Germany opposed this by putting strict controls on the central bank and the stock markets, by creating and controlling their own debt and interest free currency based upon the worth of the labour and resulting output of the people, not on Gold, Silver or other commodities, the value of which is subject to speculation. They also put limits on wages and prices, as well as reduced imports and exports, and prevented large-scale “big box” retail outlets which could flood the market with cheap imported goods.

Was National Socialism Right-Wing? Or Left-Wing?

The National Socialist ‘world view’ was neither “right” nor “left” in terms of how most people view the political spectrum, but rather, a “Third Way” and saw itself as a broad-based, popular social nationalist movement, aimed at involving all classes of the national body for the greater good of the people as a whole, from which all would benefit.

National Socialism expressed its commitment to the German people, contrary to rival systems such as Judeo-Bolshevik-Marxism and Judeo-Freemasonic-Capitalism or “Liberalism”. It also opposed attempts by self-described International Jewish interests to infiltrate, take-over and dominate the national ‘body politic’ as had previously been the case, and was the case in other developed nations, creating an existential threat to sovereign nations and peoples. Thus, National Socialism placed a significant focus on the so-called “Jewish Question” in relation to life in Germany especially. That was not at all a distinctly German problem. It was spoken of in many countries, including England and America, and other European countries with solutions sought. Indeed, “Zionist Jews” also acknowledged the problem and even sought cooperation with Germany to achieve its goals for the long-term mutual benefit of both peoples.

It must be noted that Judaism and Freemasonry are intimately linked, and that the Bolshevik-Communist Revolution was financed by the International Bankers of Wall Street, who happen to call themselves “Jews”, and was fomented by their minions. Thus one should rightly be called Judeo-Bolshevik-Communism, and the other Judeo-Freemasonic-Capitalism. They are two sides of the same coin and both have the same net effect of destruction of sovereign nations, both engender expansionism and globalsim, and both result in exploitation and slavery. Whereas National Socialism was a true, self-financed, grass roots movement that opposed the aforementioned. Thus, they — Judeo-Bolshevik-Communism and Judeo-Freemasonic-Capitalism — would have had no interest in financing a party which promoted a system of governance that could put an end to their monopoly and their global agenda. Indeed, they would do everything in their power to try and stop it, including defamation, economic war and outright military warfare….and they did.

National Socialism was NOT synonymous with Fascism. There were some similarities but it is really beyond my scope here to go into that in detail. If, however, one is of the belief that Fascism equates to “corporatism”, as Mussolini is often quoted as having said in describing his system of governance, then that was most certainly NOT the case with National Socialism, for all of the reasons already described. Rather, it was the basic idea that the people are the nation, and the nation is the people, and that their National Socialist leader and party (their government) were a manifestation and reflection of themselves, which expressed and carried out their will, and NOT that of any particular class of people nor any special interest groups.

While Mussolini believed that Fascism could and should be exported, to counter the threat of international communism, the idea that National Socialism as a wholesale organic system could be “exported” to other nations is false. It was NOT intended for export! National Socialism was designed for the Germans of that time period under the conditions they were living in and the threats they faced. There have been revolutionary nationalist movements which are in line with the general intent and philosophies of the NSDAP. In at least one speech, Hitler also said that it was neither feasible nor desirable to try to make Germans out of the Poles or the French. When war was declared against Germany, he said on several occasions that it was never his intention to wage war, and he lamented that the war was keeping him from his work for the German people (paraphrasing).

In terms of economics, the program of the National Socialists was laid out in a booklet by Gottfried Feder, the title of which translates roughly to “The Manifesto for the Breaking of Interest Slavery”, in which he promoted, amongst other things, worker profit sharing in large companies, the expansion of social welfare legislation, an end to land and property (real estate) speculation, and putting department stores under the control of local governments, to best serve the needs of the people.

Unlike Bolshevism, National Socialism did NOT propose to eliminate private enterprise and private ownership of property! But rather, it aimed to protect the general public against the excesses of plutocrats, unrestrained by any sense of patriotic group solidarity.


From the perspective of the National Socialists, “nationalism” meant an appreciation for and a duty to preserve the nation or Volksgemeinschaft, in all respects, visa vis the “folkish” interests of other nations, as well as from international interests. It was not blind, arrogant or conceited chauvinism, nor a concept of natural or inherent “superiority” over others, and not intended to destroy or exploit others. It was about the German people being “masters in their own house” with the right of self-determination, and the means and ability to effectively control their nations destiny without interference while raising up a new social state of the highest culture with integrity! National Socialism, therefore, fought AGAINST “internationalism” which destroys nations through rootless and ever changing cosmopolitanism. Internationalism was embodied by liberalism, plutocracy, Bolshevism and International Jewry.


Adolf Hitler himself described National Socialism as “the political doctrine of the national community”. Nationalism, as he understood it, was the devotion of the individual to his ethnic community — “das Volk” — and socialism was a responsibility of the individual to the national community. Nationalism and Socialism, thus, at their core, were synonymous and interdependent: Self-sacrifice for the wider ethnic Volk. And that was also synonymous with the Christian ideal of loving your neighbour as yourself, and it was firmly rooted in the soil, bound together in labour, through blood, sweat and toil, for oneself and others, creating self-sufficiency and ensuring sovereignty for the nation, including for future generations, through conservation and protection of the natural habitat.

Adolf Hitler Quotes:

“I understand by Socialism: the highest service to my people, giving up personal gain for the sake of the whole. The benefits of the whole is essential. The concept of nationalism is in the end nothing but love and devotion to my people.” — Adolf Hitler.
“The Jewish manipulated Marxist concept of class struggle stands in the way of national unity.” — Adolf Hitler.
“The phrases nationalism and socialism identify contemporary political currents of the age and did not require that new values be created. The lack of sense of community gave way to mutual burning hatred. Today the contrast between bourgeois and proletariat needs to be overcome, because the rise of any nation can only take place under common ideas. We need to close the gap and collect the forces again on a new platform.” — Adolf Hitler.

Dr. Joseph Goebbels on Socialism

“Yes, we call ourselves the Worker’s Party! That’s the first step away from the middle-class State! We call ourselves the Worker’s Party because we want to make work free, because for us, productive work is the driving force of history, because work means more to us than possessions, education, niveau, and a middle-class background do! Marxism, with its destructive theories of peoples and races, is the exact opposite of Socialism. Marxism is the graveyard not only for national peoples but also particularly for the one class that fights whole-heartedly for its realization: the working class.” — Dr. Joseph Goebbels, 1930

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